28 April 2011

Kaedah untuk mengelak dari terkena gangguan makhluk halus

Kita sering mendengar gangguan makhluk halus. Gangguan ini terdapat 4 jenis;
1-Sering diganggu
2-Kadang kala
3-Dikuasai oleh makhluk tersebut secara keseluruhannya
4-Ditumpangi oleh makhluk tersebut pada bahagian tertentu anggota badan.
Sebab-sebab diganggu berbagai-bagai antaranya;
1-Sebab ia diganggu oleh manusia lalu ia berdendam
2-Sebab ia suka kepada seseorang lalu ia mengganggu
3-Sebab dihantar oleh tukang sihir untuk memudharatkan orang tertentu.
Walaubagaimana pun kaedah untuk mengelaknya boleh dilakukan.Ia digalakkan bagi mereka yang terpaksa membantu perawat memegang pesakit yang dirasuk atau sebagai pendinding untuk persediaan mempertahankan diri.
1- Melaksanakan seluruh perintah Allah dan Rasul
2-Tidak melakukan dosa dan Maksiat
3-Melakukan banyak amal ibadah dengan ikhlas seperti membaca al-Quran,solat berjemaah,solat malam dsb.
4-Membaca al-Fatihah, ayatul kursiy dan surah al-Ikhlas,al-Falaq dan al-Nas (3 Qul) diulang sebanyak 3 kali sebelum tidur.
5-Mengamalkan ayat yang ke 115-118 surah al-Mu'minun setiap kali selepas bersolat.
6-Mengamalkan "ruqyah Jibril" iaitu doa jibril yang diajar kepada Rasul s.a.w ketika malam Isra' Mi'raj iaitu ;

أَعُوذُ بِكَلِمَاتِ الله التَّامَّاتِ الَّتِي لاَ يُجَاوِزُهُنَّ بَارٌّ وَ لاَ فَاجِرٌ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا يَلِجُ فِي الأَرْضِ وَ مَا يَخْرُجُ مِنْهَا وَمَا يَنْزِلُ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ وَ مَا يَعْرُجُ فِيْهَا وَمِنْ فِتَنِ اللَّيْلِ وَ النَّهَارِ وَ مِنْ طَوَارِقِ اللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ إِلاَّ طَارِقًا بِخَيْرٍ يَا رَحْمَنُ

Kisah asal usul Syaitan dan Jin

Syaitan dan Jin adalah sama, cuma berbeza dari sudut namanya sahaja. Syaitan berasal dari iblis dan kesemua syaitan datuknya iblis. Datuk Iblis yang paling tua ialah jin.
Iblis ertinya patuh dan taat tetapi setelah ia menderhakai Allah lalu ia mencapai martabat syaitan yang durjana. Ia berakhir menjadi makhluk yang tidak beramal malah menderhaka dan menghasut manusia. Firman Allah dalam surah al-Kahfi ayat 50 maksudnya ;"kecuali iblis adalah berasal dari jin lalu ia menderhaka perintah tuhannya". Ertinya Iblis berasal dari jin.
Kerja-kerja yang dilakukan Iblis ialah ;
1- Menyesatkan
2- Mengufurkan
4-Memperhiasi kejahatan
Tidak semua orang terlepas dari tipu daya dan hasutan Iblis melainkan sedikit sahaja.Firman Allah dalam surah al-Isra' ayat 62 maksudnya ;
" Nescaya aku sesatkan zuriat Adam kecuali hanya sedikit sahaja".
Terdapat 4 arah syaitan akan datang menyesatkan manusia. Di dalam surah al-A'raf ayat 47 Allah menyebut Syaitan datang dari arah depan,belakang,kanan dan kiri. Dia tidak mampu datang dari arah atas kerana Allah berada di situ dan dari bawah kerana ia tempat sujud.
Ringkasnya jin dan syaitan berasal dari api dan mereka adalah makhluk yang ghaib, sila rujuk surah al-A'raf ayat 27.

Perbezaan dan persamaan antara manusia, jin dan malaikat

Malaikat sama seperti jin dari sudut penjelamaan sesuatu rupa dan mampu menghilangkan diri tetapi berbeza dari sudut rupanya sahaja, malaikat menyerupai rupa-rupa yang elok seperti burung, cahaya, manusia atau seumpamanya. Jin menyerupai yang hodoh dan buruk seperti anjing,ular,kucing dan sebagainya. Adapun jin dan manusia persamaannya ialah mempunyai akal, mengetahui atau mampu untuk belajar dan berfikir dan juga mampu untuk memilih jalan yang baik atau jahat. Tetapi ketiga-tiga makhluk ini berbeza dari sudut kejadiannya iaitu manusia dari tanah, malaikat dari cahaya dan jin dari api. Syukurlah kita dari kalangan manusia dan sebaik-baik kejadian.

Nama-nama Jin dan Sifat-sifatnya

Kata Ibnu Abdil Baar, Menurut ahli Kalam dan ahli bahasa, jin mempunyai nama-namanya mengikut peringkat-peringkatnya ;
  1. Sekiranya ia hanyalah seekor jin maka namanya "jin" di dalam bahasa arabnya "jinniy".
  2. Sekiranya ia tinggal bersama manusia mereka menggelarnya " 'Aamir".
  3. Sekiranya ia menjelma di hadapan kanak-kanak mereka memanggilnya " Ar waah".
  4. Sekiranya ia menjadi jahat mereka memanggilnya "Syaitan".
  5. Sekiranya ia bertambah mengganas dan kuat mereka memanggilnya " Ifriit".
Jin mempunyai golongan-golongannya menurut hadis Rasulullah s.a.w iaitu ;
  1. Satu kumpulan yang terbang di udara
  2. Golongan yang menyerupai ular dan anjing
  3. Golongan yang tinggal setempat dan berhijrah.

Rahsia Tarikh Lahir

Di sini ada tip untuk mengenal mersonaliti diri sendiri melalui tarikh lahir dari Dr.Fadzilah Kamsah..

1. Pemimpin
2. Lembut
3. Kemas (Cerewet)
4. Rajin
5. Boleh berbincang
6. Angin
7. Patuh
8. Bisnes
9. Glamour

Cara pengiraannya adalah seperti berikut:

1) Ambil sehelai kertas, tulis tarikh lahir anda di atasnya.
contoh: tarikh lahir anda 1 Februari 1988, tulis dalam bentuk 01 02 1988

2) Dari tarikh lahir anda, anda perlu mendapatkan 3 nombor untuk mengenali personaliti anda.

Untuk nombor kotak pertama, campurkan nombor haribulan kelahiran anda.
Dari tarikh contoh di atas, nombor kotak pertama = 0+1=1

Untuk nombor kotak kedua, campurkan semua nombor yang ada pada tarikh harijadi anda sehingga menjadi nombor tunggal.
Dari tarikh contoh di atas, nombor kotak kedua = 0+1+0+2+1+9+8+8=29
Hasil campur yang lebih dari 9 akan dicampur lagi seperti = 2+9=11 --> 1+1=2
Maka kotak kedua nombor kotak kedua = 2

Untuk nombor kotak ketiga, campurkan hasil dari kotak pertama dan kotak kedua sehingga menjadi nombor tunggal.
Maka nombor kotak ketiga = 1+2=3

hasilnya padankan dengan sifat yang tersenarai di atas..
1: Pemimpin
2: Lembut
3. Kemas (Cerewet)

contoh lain:

Hasil yang diperolehi mencerminkan diri anda. Mungkin sifat-sifat ini ada dalam diri anda dan mana tahu mungkin suatu hari nanti dengan sifat ini anda akan menjadi seorang yang disegani.

Rahsia Diri - Ujian Personaliti Diri II

Keputusan ujian personaliti ini agak tepat dengan personaliti diri anda. Cubalah sendiri!

Terlebih dahulu, ambil sekeping kertas untuk menulis jawapan anda. Analisis jawapan ada di bahagian bawah. Untuk keputusan yang baik, ambil ujian terlebih dahulu baru baca analisisnya.


Bayangkan anda sedang berjalan di dalam hutan belantara, anda ternampak sebuah pondok…

Soalan 1:
Bagaimanakah keadaan pintu tersebut…?
(Terbuka / Tertutup)

Anda memasuki pondok tersebut dan nampak sebuah meja…

Soalan 2:
Apakah bentuk meja itu?
(Bulat / Oval / Segiempat tepat / Segiempat / Segitiga)

Di atas meja itu ada pasu bunga…

Soalan 3:
Banyak manakah isi air yang ada dalam pasu bunga itu?
(Penuh / Separuh / Kosong)

Soalan 4:
Pasu itu dibuat daripada apa?
[(kaca / porcelain / tanah liat )( logam / plastik / kayu)]

Anda keluar dari pondok itu dan ternampak air terjun dari kejauhan….

Soalan 5:
Berapa lajukah air terjun
(pilih julat jawapan 0 hingga 10)

Kemudian anda terpijak di atas sesuatu benda yang keras, anda lihat ke bawah dan terlihat kilatan warna keemasan rantai kunci bersama anak kunci.

Soalan 6:
Berapa banuakkah bilangan kuci yang ada?
(pilih julat jawapan 0 hingga 10)

Anda meneruskan perjalanan. Tiba-tiba ternampak sebuah istana….

Soalan 7:
Apakah keadaan istana itu?
( Lama / Baru)

Anda memasuki istana itu dan ternampak sebuah kolam yang mengandungi air kotor dan terdapat permata-permata yang berkilau terapung di atasnya…

Soalan 8:
Adakah anda akan mengambil permata itu?
(Ya / Tidak)

Sebelah kolam yang kotor itu terdapat sebuah lagi kolam dengan air yang bersih dan terdapat banyak wang terapung di atasnya...

Soalan 9:
Adakah anda akan mengambil wang itu?
(Ya / Tidak)

Anda berjalan mengelilingi istana itu hingga ke jalan keluar. Anda keluar dari istana itu dan masuk ke dalam sebuah taman yang luas. Anda ternampak sebuah kotak di atas tanah.

Soalan 10:
Apakah saiz kotak itu?
(kecil / sederhana / besar)

Soalan 11:
Kotak itu diperbuat daripada apa?
( cardboard / kertas / kayu / logam)

Tidak jauh dari situ terdapat sebuah jambatan.

Soalan 12:
Jambatan itu diperbuat daripada apa?
( logam / kayu/ rotan)

Diseberang jambatan ada seekor kuda

Soalan 13:
Apakah warna kuda itu?
(putih / kelabu / coklat / hitam)

Soalan 14:
Apa kuda itu lakukan?
( tidak berbuat apa-apa / makan rumput / berlari)

Tiba-tiba datang angina puting beliung.. Anda ada 3 pilihan:
(i) lari dan masuk bersembunyi di dalam kotak?
(ii) lari dan masuk bersembunyi di bawah jambatan?
(iii) lari dan menaiki kuda keluar dari situ?


Ini adalah analisa kepada jawapan anda
(1) Pintu:
Terbuka - anda bersedia berkongsi apa saja cerita kehidupan anda
Tertutup - anda lebih senang menyimpan cerita-cerita anda di dalam hati

(2) Meja:
Bulat/oval – Anda mudah percaya sepenuhnya kepada mana-mana kawan anda
Segiempat tepat / segiempat – Anda seoerang yang memilih kawan dan keluar dengan kawan-kawan yang skepala sahaja
Segitiga – Anda seorang yang cerewet tenatng berkawan… anda tidak mempunyai ramai kawan dalam hidup

(3) Air dalam pasu:
Kosong – Hidup anda tidak terisi
Separuh – Apa yang anda mahu dalam hidup sudah separuh penuh
Penuh - Apa yang anda mahu dalam hidup sudah tercapai

(4) Bahan pasu:
kaca/tanah liat/porcelain – anda seorang yang lemah dan sensitif
logam / plastik / kayu – anda kuat dalam mengharungi cabaran dalam kehidupan

(5) Kelajuan air terjun:
0 – tiada keinginan seks
1 to 4 - keinginan seks yang rendah
5 - keinginan seks yang sederhana
6 to 9 - keinginan seks yang tinggi
10 - keinginan seksual yang sangat tinggi

(6) Kuci:
1 – hanya ada 1 kawan baik
2 to 5 – ada beberapa orang kawan baik
6 to 10 – ada ramai kawan baik

(7) Istana:
Lama – hubungan terakhir anda dengan seseorang tidak begitu baik dan tidak meninggalkan kenangan indah.
Baru - hubungan terakhir anda dengan seseorang adalah baik dan masih segar dalam hati

(8) Permata di dalam kolam kotor:
Ya – bila pasangan anda ada di samping anda, anda masih memikat orang lain.
Tidak - bila pasangan anda ada di samping anda, anda hanya bersama dengannya.

(9) Wang di dalam kolam bersih:
Ya – walaupun pasanagn anda tiada di samping anda, anda masih memikat orang lain
Tidak - walaupun pasanagn anda tiada di samping anda, anda akan sentiasa memikirkannya dan setia.

(10) Saiz kotak:
kecil – ego yang rendah
sederhana – ego yang sederhana
besar – ego yang tinggi

(11) Bahan kotak:
cardboard/kertas/kayu(tidak berkilat) – personaliti yang rendah diri
logam – berbangga dengan diri sendiri

(12) bahan jambatan:
logam – ikatan yang kuat dengan kawan-kawan
kayu - ikatan yang sederhana dengan kawan-kawan
rotan - tidak begitu rasi dengan kawan-kawan

(13) Warna kuda:
putih – pasangan anda tulus di hati anda.
kelabu/ coklat – pasangan anda sederhana sahaja di hati anda.
hitam – pasangan anda tidak begitu sempurna di hati anda, ada saja perkara yang menyakitkan hati.

(14) Kelakuan kuda:
tidak berbuat apa-apa/ makan rumput – pasangan anda seorang yang suka duduk di rumah dan begitu rendah diri
berlari – pasangan anda adalah seorang yang liar.

putting beliung – maslaah dalam hidup
kotak - anda
jambata – kawan-kawn anda
kuda – pasanagan anda

(i) jika anda pilih kotak, anda seorang yang suka memendam dan menyelesaikan masalah anda sendiri
(ii) jika anda pilih jambatan, anda akan berjumpa kawan-kawan untuk menyelsaikan masalah
(iii) jika anda pilih kuda, anda mencari pasangan anda untuk menyelesaikan masalah

Ujian Psikologi

Ujian Psikologi diri

Ujian psikologi ini adalah bertujuan mengetahui sejauh mana ketulusan sahabat-sahabat kita....soalannya mudah:
Anda diminta menanam pokok kelapa. Ada 4 tempat pilihan anda kena pilih...
1- tepi sungai 
2- halaman rumah 
3-tepi/tengah padang 
4-belakang rumah/tepi dapur 

Jawap dengan jujur ya

dah pilih????
ok setiap tempat yang dipilih membawa maksud tertentu
1- tepi sungai
-sukar berjimat
-boleh juga dikatakan sangat pemurah/pemboros

2- halaman rumah
-sangat suka dipuji
-pantang dibodek/dipuji akan melayan orang yang dipuji dengan beitu baik sekali

3-tepi/tengah padang
-sangat berkira/kedekut

4-belakang rumah/tepi dapur
-pandai menguruskan kewangan dengan baik
-paling bersederhana dalam semua segi

Ujian Personaliti

(1) Warna kegemaran anda ?
Nyatakan 3 perkataan untuk menghuraikan pilihan anda

(2)Sekiranya anda boleh menjadi sejenis haiwan, apakah haiwan itu?
Nyatakan 3 perkataan untuk menjelaskan pilihan anda

(3)Bayangkan suatu air terjun. Nyatakan 3 perkataan untuk menerangkan perasaan anda.

(4)Imaginasikan warna putih. Nyatakan 3 perkataan untuk menyatakan perasaan anda

Jawapannya ??????

(1)Huraian anda tentang warna kegemaran anda adalah pandangan anda terhadap diri anda sendiri.

(2) Huraian anda tentang apa yang anda ingin jadi sebagai binatang adalah pandangan org tentang anda.

(3) pandangan anda tentang air terjun adalah pandangan anda tentang seks.

(4) pandangan anda tentang warna putih adalah cara anda melihat suatu kematian.


 The Godfather, GoodfellasCasino...You've seen all the movies, you know all the characters, you love how they "tawk", you laugh at their comebacks.  Whenever anyone says, "Hey, you're funny", you instinctively reply, "Funny how? Am I a clown? Am I here to amuse you?"  You're intrigued by the drama, the action, the blood, and the humor.  Italian mob movies undoubtedly have a certain allure. But, how much of it is real?  Do they accurately portray the organized crime syndicate?  How and when did all the craziness begin?  To answer those questions and more, you must explore the true, factual history of Italian organized crime and how it came to be..........THE TRUE STORY!!!
      Let's begin with the word itself.  Although the exact origin of the word "mafia" is uncertain, some believe it originated in 1282 during the French invasion of Sicily and the saying, "Morte Alla Francia Italia Anela" (Death to the French is Italy's Cry), or MAFIA.  Then, eventually the word "mafia" came to mean "manly", in Sicily.
      Another theory of the origin of "mafia" begins as early as the 9th century.  During that period, Sicily was ruled by Arab forces.  The original inhabitants were oppressed, and desperately tried to escape and find refuge.  In Arabic, the word "mafia" means, "refuge."  Sicily was invaded by the Normans in the 11th century and its people were forced into labor and oppression once again.  Every invasion of Sicily, thereafter, (French invasion in the 12th century, Spanish in the 13th century, then Germans, Austrians, and Greeks) resulted in native tribes seeking refuge in the hills of the island.  The refugees eventually developed a secret society of unification intended to create a sense of family, based on Sicilian heritage.  The structure of the organization was built on the idea of family and had a strong hierarchical make up.  The "dons" were the family heads, in charge of the mafia in every village.  They had to report to the "don of dons", who lived in Palermo, the capital of Sicily. 
      Members of the unified organization were required to take an initiation oath.  The oath included five basic principles, upon which the mafia was (and still is) based:
1. A code of silence - Never to "rat out" any mafia member.  Never to divulge any mafia secrets.  Even if they were threatened by torture or death.
2. Complete obedience to the boss - Obey the boss's orders, no matter what.
3. Assistance - To provide any necessary assistance to any other respected or befriended mafia faction.
4. Vengeance - Any attacks on family members must be avenged. "An attack on one is an attack on all."
5. Avoid contact with the authorities.
      The mafia grew large and strong by the 19th century.  By then it had become a vast criminally oriented society.  They followed their own authority and rules and ignored any other form of order.  Joining the mafia was like joining a religion.  It was a commitment for life.  You could not retire from it (and this still holds true today.)  This was a serious "religion", even for the very young mafia members.  They were taught basic uses of the sword, knife, and rope, in order to be able to murder their victims. It would be a very violent death to anyone who became an informant.
      The American branch of the mafia, named "La Costra Nostra" (LCN), is believed to have begun in 1893 when Don Vito Cascio Ferro fled to New York after the murder of banker Emanuele Notarbartolo, in Sicily.  More Mafioso fled to America during the 1920's, when Mussolini attempted to exterminate the mafia in Sicily.  The mafia saw lucrative opportunities in the United States.  Thousands of gunmen and thieves came over.  They were joined by thousands of Italians and Sicilians who were looking for a better life in America.
      By the early 1900's every large city in the United States had its own mafia sanction.  They concentrated on protection rackets.  Soon they expanded by racketeering in other areas, such as gambling, prostitution, and bootlegging.  The Prohibition era (in the 20's) is probably the most legendary era in gangster history.  Mafia members basically declared their power and wealth openly.  The mob flourished.  This began Al Capone's reign, (as portrayed in the movie, The Untouchables.)  Alphonso Capone, "Scarface", was a gangster in Chicago who amassed a fortune by selling alcohol and women.  He also controlled every possible aspect of crime.  Capone was sent to Alcatraz in 1931, not for various killings and breaking the 18th amendment, but for income tax evasion.
      When Capone was sent away, Chicago's "gangster" image began to fade.  New York became the next big mafia city - the city for the next generation of gangsters.  Once prohibition ended, gangsters reorganized themselves in "syndicates" or organizations which controlled gambling and prostitution, the distribution of drugs and new forms of "business."
      After Capone's time a new gangster surfaced, Salvatore Lucania, better known as, Charlie 'Lucky" Luciano, or "Boss of the Bosses" (Cappo di tutti cappi.)  Unlike Capone, who only associated with Italians and Sicilians, Lucky Luciano was ethnically liberal.  He began to recruit Jews in his organization.  (Similar to the movie, Casino.)  Luciano was close to his partners Benjamin "Bugsey" Siegel and Meyer Lansky.  Bugsey Siegel built a super-casino in Las Vegas, but was murdered before it became profitable.  Within ten years of his death, Las Vegas became the major powerhouse for gangster dealings, investments, and skimmings.
      Luciano's gangs were always in conflict with the "pure Sicilian" gangs of Giuseppe Masseria, "Joe the Boss" (the first boss of what is now known as the Genovese family) and Salvatore Maranzano (head of the now Bonanno family), from the other side of New York.  Luciano finally defeated Masseria after many "mafia wars" known as the Castellamarse Wars.  Luciano took over Masseria's organization and became a powerful boss.
      Before Masseria died, he took a man named Carlo Gambino into his group.  When Masseria was killed, Gambino shifted power under Salvatore Maranzano.  However, it was a short stay for him.  Maranzano died, Joe Bonanno succeeded him, and Carlo Gambino decided to join a new commission, the "Young Turks."  Gambino, along with his brothers-in-law Peter and Paul Castellano, became united with Vincent Mangano.  When Mangano mysteriously disappeared, Gambino pushed for an alliance (peace agreement) with Charlie Luciano and his associate Frank Costello.
      After Mangano's disappearance, Albert Anastasia became the boss and appointed Carlo Gambino a boss, but no one took this seriously.  Gambino was, at that time, considered weak, taking put downs and ridicule from Anastasia.  No other mafia member would have taken the abuse.  Nobody thought of Gambino as a threat, at that time, which made it very easy for him to do unexpected things. 
      In 1957, a man named Vito Genovese approached Gambino about getting rid of Anastasia.  This would give Gambino top spot.  Fed up with Anastasia, Gambino did away with him.  However, he could not stop there.  Genovese was power hungry.  He wanted to rule all the families.  He became ruthless and over-zealous.  Gambino knew he had to put a stop to him before he got totally out of hand.  Together with his new allies, Luciano and Costello, Gambino set up Genovese in a narcotics scheme that landed him in prison, sentenced to fifteen years.
      Gambino continued to avoid the F.B.I. and C.I.A.  Every time they tried to deport him or put him on trial he would have a heart attack or somehow end up in the hospital.  It was an ingenious plan!     
      On the other side of New York, the Bonanno family didn't have much luck avoiding the authorities.  Bonanno member Philip "Rusty" Rastelli succeeded Carmine Galanto as boss.  Two of Rastelli's top men were Dominick "Sonny Black" Napolitano and Benjamin "Lefty Guns" Ruggiero.  They were portrayed in the movie, Donnie Brasco, which was based on the true story of undercover F.B.I. agent, Joe Pistone ("Donnie Brasco".)  Crimes committed by "Sonny Black" and "Lefty Guns" were exposed.  "Sonny Black" disappeared and "Lefty" went to prison.
      During the early 1970's, Joseph Colombo, head of the Profaci family, began bringing unwanted national attention to the mob and those associated with it, by starting the Italian American Civil Rights League (IACRL).  Carlo Gambino confronted Colombo and asked him to stop the rallies because of the media attention it was developing.  Colombo refused.  As the story goes, Colombo actually spit in Gambino's face.  This infuriated Gambino.  He approached the Gallo brothers (Joe and Larry) to do away with Colombo.  He wanted them to kill him at a nationally covered IACRL rally, in order to express what will happen if you cross Gambino, and to ironically exhibit the association of violence and the Italian-American heritage - the very heritage that Colombo was supporting through rallies. It was vengeance and punishment for disrespecting a don.
      At the end of his life, Gambino appointed Paul Castellano as the new head of the family.  Castellano was greedy and was disliked.  This caused conflict amongst Gambino's men. Castellano walked around more like a banker than a mobster.  Gambino thought it was a good idea to move the family into legitimate business, away from the streets.  In 1985, Castellano was killed by another young Turk, John Gotti, (a disciple of Dellacrose, boss under Anastasia who was skipped over when Anastasia was ousted by Gambino.)  Gotti was as loud and media exposed as anyone the mafia had seen since Albert Anastasia.
      John Gotti was known as the "Teflon Don" for his three separate trial acquittals in the late 80's.  Finally, in 1991, the F.B.I. indicted Gotti, his underboss - Sammy "The Bull" Gravano, and Frankie Locascio on racketeering and murder conspiracy charges.  Gravano shocked everyone when he broke the omerta and testified against Gotti.  Gravano was placed into witness protection and served less than five years.  John Gotti is serving a life sentence in a federal prison in Illinois.  His son, John Gotti Jr., is currently acting as boss of the Gambino crime family.  However, a RICO case has been developed against him.
      So, there you have the true story of the mafia.  Still a little confused?  Maybe this will clear things up:  There are currently five families in the New York City outfit of La Costra Nostra (LCN).  They are:  GambinoGenoveseColombo,Bonanno, and Luchese.
Salvatore D'Aquila (murdered 1928)

Frank Scalise (boss until 1931)

Vincent Mangano (through 1951)

Albert Anastasia (to 1957)

Carlo Gambino (to 1976)

Paul Castellano (murdered 1985)

John Gotti (jail 1992)

John Gotti Jr.  (Present)

Giuseppe "Joe the Boss" Masseria (killed 1931)

Charlie "Lucky" Luciano (back to Italy 1936)

Frank Costello

Vito Genovese (murdered 1959)

"Three Man Ruling Council"
Tommy Eboli, Jerry Catena, Mike Miranda (to 1972)

Frank Funzi Tieri (died 1981)

Anthony "Fat Tony" Salerno (jail 1987)

Vincent "The Chin" Gigante (to prison)

Liborio "Barney" Bellomo (jailed)

Dominick "Quiet Dom" Cirillo (acting boss for Gigante)

Joe Profaci (1930 - 1962)

Joseph Magliocco (died 1963)

Joe Colombo (killed 1978)

Joseph Yacovelli (to 1973)

Joseph Brancato (jailed 1973)

Thomas DiBella (to 1978)

Split into 2 factions - Mid 80's

  Carmine Persico   
 Vic Orena
(Members of each faction started killing each other - "The Colombo War")
Cola Schiro  - to 1930

Salvatore Maranzano - murdered in 1931

Joe Bonanno -to 1964, broke Omerta

Frank LaBruzzo - 1966

Gaspare DiGregoria - 1968

Paul Sciacca

Ruling Council of
"Rusty" Rastelli, Joe Zicarelli, Joe DiFillippi, and Natale Evolia- 3 years

Natale Evola - sole boss, 1 year

"Rusty" Rastelli - late 1973 to 1974, incarcerated

Carmine Galante - 1979 murdered

Bonavventre - youngest boss at 24 years old

"Rusty" Rastelli - regained power, out of jail
{His aides were "Sonny Black" and "Lefty Guns"  (Donnie Brasco)}

Joey Massino - still in control

Gaetano Reina - 1930

Gaetano Gagliano - 1930-1953

Gaetano "Thomas" Luchese - 1953-1967
{He worked closely with Gambino and his family.  One of his capos was Paul Vario, who is portrayed as the character, Paul Ciceroin the movie, Goodfellas}

Carmine Tramunti - 1967 - 7 years, than prison

Anthony Corallo "Tony Ducks" - 1986 died

Vittorio Amuso -   1992, RICO

Alphonse "Little Al" D'Arco

Joe DeFrede

The Commission - National ruling body of "La Costra Nostra".  Usually has 9 to 12 bosses.
Capo Crimini - Boss or "don".  Head of a particular family.
Consigliere - advisor or family counselor.
Capo Bastone or Sotto Capo - the "underboss", second in command.
Contabile - financial advisor.
Caporegime - heads a faction of about 10 foot soldiers.
Sgarrista - foot soldier {carries out the usual "business" of the mafia}.
Giovane d'honore - mafia associate, mostly non-italian, non-sicilian.


Albanese, Jay S. Organized Crime in America (1985), Anderson Publishing Company.
Bardsley, Marilyn  John Gotti:  Clenched Fist (1998), Darkhorse Multimedia, Inc.
Organized Crime (1963), The Macmillan Company.


Japanese Yakuza
History and Cultural Development
School of International Studies
Obirin University, Tokyo, Japan
Yakuza history traces its origins to the Tokugawa era, the time of the shogunate, when Ieyasu Tokugawa unified the country of Japan. Japan had come a long way from its period of civil war, but was not yet a stable nation. The newfound era of peace left as many as 500,000 samurai left unemployed, and there were not enough jobs to support their number. Many of these samurai joined the merchant class, but those who didn't - the ronin - had to find other means of support, and many turned to thievery and criminal methods to support themselves.

It is in defense against these wandering samurai that the machi-yokku, or servants of the town, originated. These folk heroes were regular townsfolk who stood up in defense against the destructive ronin to protect the well being of their families and town. Like gangs of today, they were tightly knit and spent their free time gambling. These folk heroes are the predecessors of the modern day yakuza, and while the connection may lie in legend only, the machi-yokku play a large role in the romantic image that the yakuza gangster holds today.
Much like the Italian Mafia, the Yakuza began by arrangement in a familial fashion based not upon bloodline but by adoption. This relationship begins with a godfather at the top, with new members initiated in a pyramid fashion, and the term given to the father-child role is referred to as the oyabun-kobun relationship. "The oyabun provides advice, protection, and help, and in return receives the unswerving loyalty and service of his kobun when needed (Kaplan and Dubro 19)." The initiation of the new pledge into the organization is performed in a highly formal fashion, with an exchange of sake cups to symbolize the blood connection between the oyabun and the kobun. This ceremony is typically performed at a Shinto shrine, and as such is designated religious significance.
Yakuza have always prided themselves upon the code of bushido, or way of the samurai. Violent death was traditionally seen as a poetic, tragic, and honorable fate, and the concepts of giri and ninjo are central to the relationships among members. Giri, or obligation, refers to the strong sense of duty that is felt between members, and in a sense is the "social cloth" that binds much of Japan together. Ninjo is roughly translatable to emotion, or human compassion, and denotes "generosity or sympathy to toward the weak and disadvantaged, and sympathy towards others (Kaplan and Dubro 28)." This tie to chivalry and patriotism gave the Yakuza a sort of Robin Hood type of romantic image when viewed in the public eye.
Perhaps the most legendary of yakuza organizations is the Yamaguchi-gumi, a crime syndicate numbering somewhere near 15,000, which designated as its territory the entire western half of Japan. The Yamuguchi-gumi was driven on this path to success by its late godfather, Kazuo Taoka, who resurrected it from shattered ruins in the years following the World War II to mold it into the most formidable criminal syndicate Japan has witnessed to date. Kazuo utilized a fierce will and brilliant organizational skills to leverage the most powerful alliance between Yakuza factions ever, and solidified an affiliation with the Inagawa-kai, a leading Yakuza group in the Kanto area.

The Yakuza have maintained a very close relationship with Japanese political and corporate entities in their growth through the years, much more so than their counterpart, the mafia, in the United States. Due to the political turmoil that followed in the aftermath of World War II, the Yakuza, in their extremely right-wing conservative stance, were granted the opportunity to obtain a foothold in the political machinery of modern Japanese governing bodies in their struggle against right-wing dissidents. However, this formerly accorded position has degraded in the years following the war as left-wing political entities have lost their influence in the Japanese political system.
Since the aftermath of the Second World War, violence among different Yakuza factions has increased, and the organizations have degraded from their original stature. A prominent rise has been seen in the boryokudan, or violence gangs, and in the bosozoku, the Japanese biker gangs. These minor factions have introduced a considerable degree of discord into the traditional criminal underworld system, and there is a "clear trend of declining solidarity and obedience among Yakuza members (Kaplan and Dubro 273)." Older members are dismayed with the decline of moral values and increasing gun use among the up and coming generation of yakuza, which has never been a major problem in Japan. This transformation in conduct among members in the criminal underworld is seen as a major problem not only by the older generation of criminals, but by law enforcement agencies as well.
Recent crackdowns have done well to alleviate the outward symptoms, but as many criminals are subsequently released without prosecution, they in fact have had little impact on the underlying problem. The future of the Yakuza remains uncertain – but Japan is and always has been a country of considerable outward changes – capable of remarkable adaptation to fit with changing times, while maintaining unity at its heart. The Yakuza, as part of this system, will continue to evolve with the changing times, but it is highly unlikely that an organization that traces its roots back over 300 years will disappear any time soon.


Research assistance provided by Special Agent Clark Frogley (Legal Attaché, US Embassy-Tokyo) and Prof. Yutaka Morohoshi (Obirin University) is highly appreciated.

Further reading

Dubro, Alec and Kaplan, David. Yakuza: The Explosive Account of the Japanese Criminal Underworld, Addison-Wesley Publishing Compaany, Inc., 1986.
Rome, Florence. The Tattooed Men, Dellacorte Press, 1975.
Saga, Junichi. Confessions of a Yakuza, Kodansha America, 1991.